Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

2020 menstrual product donation drive this weekend

While menstrual products are an important resource for women, one in four women in the United States who need the products can’t afford them, and one in five students in the United States misses school due to the lack of access to the products.

A drive-thru menstrual product donation drive (masks required) to help those in need will be held Saturday, Oct. 10, 8-11 a.m., at the Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St. Ward 1 Tucson City Council Member Lane Santa Cruz and Pima County District 5 Supervisor Betty Villegas are co-hosting the event in honor of National Period Day.

All donations will be given to the Diaper Bank of Southern Arizona and the YWCA of Southern Arizona.
Ward 1 website
Facebook event page

Diaper Bank of Southern Arizona
YWCA of Southern Arizona

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