Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Tucson Mayor declares Stay at Home Action

Good afternoon, Tucson. I’m Mayor Regina Romero here with a few updates.
As you likely heard, this past Friday, I announced a new proclamation to protect public health,

and help slow the spread of COVID-19. In the absence of clear statewide direction,
we are taking swift action to protect the health and well-being of Tucsonans. We can’t afford towait any longer; COVID-19 is not waiting and neither can we.

These are painful decisions, but we have a moral obligation to do what is in the best interest of

our residents and protect public health. I applaud Governor Ducey for making the same call and taking the necessary steps to protect Arizonans.

For our city, I have taken the following actions:

• First, the proclamation strongly advises all persons in Tucson to STAY AT HOME except for essential needs (like getting food and prescriptions, exercise and traveling to work if

employed in an Essential Function). PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRACTICE SOCIAL


  • It also orders all businesses and establishments that are not Essential Functions to close tothe public.
  • Furthermore, the proclamation strongly advises that hair and nail salons, spas, barbershops, and other “personal hygiene services” close to the public.
  • Finally, it strongly encourages all Tucsonans to practice social distancing at all times andencourages all businesses to allow their employees to work from home to the greatest extent possible.

We know that you have questions and concerns, and we are here to help. Our Department of Public Safety Communications has established a COVID-19 Hotline at (520) 791-2540. Both English and Spanish speakers are available. The hotline is operating 7 days a week from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

For questions on whether your business is considered “essential” under Governor Ducey’sExecutive Order, I encourage you to contact his office by email at
or by calling (602) 542-4331.

Before I leave you, I want take a moment to remember my dear friend Pima County Supervisor Richard Elías. Richard was a loving father, husband, and tireless advocate for our most vulnerable communities. He was a dear friend and mentor, and somebody who I looked up to and will always admire. I will sorely miss you.

Resist. Much Love, hermano. Rest in POWER.I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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