Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Good afternoon, Tucson. I’m Mayor Regina Romero here with a fewupdates.

Governor Ducey issued an Executive Order halting evictions in the state for small businesses and nonprofits that are unable to pay rent due to financial hardship caused by COVID-19. The order also encourages commercial landlords to defer rent payments for small business tenants facing economic hardship and asks landlords to consider waiving all fees and interest associated with late payments. Under the order, evictions will be halted until May 31, 2020.

The state has secured an agreement with Honeywell to produce over 6 million N95 masks for the state of Arizona in the next 12 months. The Arizona Department of Health Services will deliver them to county health departments for distribution to medical, safety, and emergency response workers.

Out of concern for public health and following the national guidance of the US Tennis Association, the director of Parks and Recreation is temporarily closing various tennis facilities beginning tomorrow Wednesday April 8, until further notice.

The Department of Transportation and Mobility is kicking off Phase II of the Move Tucson initiative and is eager to hear from our community. The second phase of the planning effort focuses on an interactive map that allows you to share your perspective on how our transportation system can be improved upon. The map allows you to provide feedback for specific locations to address your transportation needs. Share your thoughts and make your voice heard, comment on the map today.

For more information about the resources mentioned today, please see the links in the video description.


For today’s spotlight, we want to congratulate mama Semba for her new elephant calf who was born yesterday morning at the Reid Park Zoo. Welcome to our community little elephant! I encourage all kids to

visit the Reid Park Zoo website for fun activities the Zoo has put together to Bring The Zoo To You.

As always, please remember to STAY HOME (if you can). STOP THE SPREAD. SAVE LIVES.

Somos uno.
I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Tucson.

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