Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

The 9th Annual Kid´z Expo & Back to school

More than 500 cars showed up at the 9th annual Kid’z Expo & Back to School event! Which took place at the El Pueblo Center parking lot, where the amazing team of Volunteers the 520 Cowboys signaled in our guests through a corridor of vendors ready to give away everything from school supplies, snacks, resources and of course, at the end of the trail, Arizona Bilingual, along with Tucson Electeic Power, was waiting with 3,000 backpacks, ready to be habded out ti the kids of our community.

The event transpired from 9am-11am on what seemed like the hottest day yet, but nothing stopped our wonderful sponsors and suppoerters from carrying out our goal! Although things where different from other years, this year’s event was without a doubt another successful one! Thanks to all our supporters and sponsors, as well as the City of Tucso, Mayor Regina Romero, Richard Fimbres and his wonderful team at Ward 5, and or course the Parks and Recreation Department who went above and beyond to help us complete our mission!

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