Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Mayor Romero announces new relief fund due to Coronavirus

Tucson Mayor Regina Romero is creating a new fund to help small businesses and the community get relief from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

In a guest opinion in yesterday’s Arizona Daily Star (link below), the mayor announced she’s creating the We Are One/Somos Uno Resiliency Fund, in partnership with the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona, that will support nonprofits, workers, families, and small businesses that have been negatively impacted by the pandemic.

Romero is also forming the Mayor’s Economic Development Advisory Council that will represent a diverse set of stakeholders to identify the steps needed to reignite our local economy while empowering each of us with economic opportunity.

Meanwhile, the Mayor and Tucson City Council tomorrow, April 14, will discuss the federal CARES Act and how it will assist in recovery efforts. The council also will begin laying out a local economic recovery plan that will include activating small business navigators who will connect small businesses with their needs.

From the Arizona Daily Star: Foundation of Southern Arizona:

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