Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Tucson City Council approves new glass reuse plan

The Mayor and Tucson City Council last week voted to remove glass from the residential and commercial blue barrel recycling program and start a new Glass Reuse Program. Starting Feb. 1, 2021, glass no longer will be accepted in the blue bin. Instead, it will be collected at drop-off sites citywide. By removing glass from the curbside collection, the Environmental and General Services Department (EGSD) will reduce processing costs at the Materials Recovery Facility, implement a communitywide glass collection program that keeps glass for reuse locally, and reduce our environmental footprint. The reuse of glass locally provides the City with more program control and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The program will support the City’s adopted Climate Action Plan that was approved by Mayor and Council. Information will be mailed to all EGSD customers in January, and drop-off sites will be opening in February. Glass dropped off should be empty, clean, dry, and have the lids and caps removed. There is no need to remove the labels. 
Glass Reuse Plan (PDF) : 


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