Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds



The United States is the only country that dedicates an entire month to the recognition of women.

March is also Women’s History Month in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, since the UN proclaimed March 8 as International Women’s Rights Day in 1975, a time to celebrate and recognize the incredible contributions of women throughout history.

According to the National Women’s History Alliance, the 2024 theme recognizes women across the country who believe that a positive future can only be achieved by eliminating prejudice and discrimination “completely from our lives and institutions.”

The theme for UN Women’s Day 2024 is aligned with the demands of the International Day to End Gender Violence 2023: ending gender violence through adequate funding. This is the month to celebrate the incredible success and achievements of strong women around the world. Honoring and paying tribute to the women who dedicated their lives to ensuring that women had the same rights as men. On this Women’s Day, we fight for a world where we are socially equal, humanly different and totally free. However, it is not a date of celebration but rather a date of commemoration of a historical struggle that women have continued to this day and that is currently still ongoing.

A woman’s strength is not measured by the impact that all of life’s difficulties have had on her; But a woman’s strength is measured by the degree of her refusal to allow those difficulties to dictate her and who she becomes.

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