Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

This Valentine’s Avoid a Broken Heart

This Valentine’s Avoid a Broken Heart

Everyone knows that February means Valentine’s Day, but not enough people know that February is also American Heart Month.  This is a good time to remember that heart disease remains the number one cause of death in Arizona as it does in the US at-large- AND it is largely preventable!

You may be able to guess many of the ways each of us can protect and strengthen our heart, but the American Heart Association has coined a phrase to help us remember what’s really important – Life’s Essential 8.  These are grouped into 2 broad categories: 4 health conditions that contribute to heart disease (high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity) and 4 health behaviors (smoking, diet, physical activity and enough sleep). 

While it may seem overwhelming to tackle each of these risk factors individually, by keeping the big picture in mind, we can make small daily changes that work together to improve overall health in a big way!   For example, more regular exercise can help us sleep better and improve our blood pressure.  Reduced processed food can improve our blood sugar, blood pressure, weight and sleep.  An important first step is knowing where you are on this continuum of health.  In addition to checking in with a medical clinic, you can seek assistance from your local health department.

 Pima County hosts health kiosks ( ) around town where you can measure your blood pressure and body mass index.  You can check out a home blood pressure monitor for free from our county libraries.  Look for additional free opportunities on Pima and Santa Cruz County Health Department websites throughout the month of February.  This Valentine’s Day give your loved ones and yourself the gift of improved heart health!

Message from Lisa Soltani, MD El Rio Health, and the Southern Arizona Collaborative for Hypertension Control (Community Health Centers and Health Departments of Southern Arizona)

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