Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Tucson Water still accepting payment plans as shut-off moratorium ends

The Mayor and Tucson City Council recently directed Tucson Water to resume shutting off water accounts for nonpayment, beginning March 15. The utility is notifying affected customers of this impending change. It’s also making them aware of the more than $1 million that is still available to help people pay utility bills if they have a COVID-related financial hardship. Tucson Water is urging customers with delinquent accounts to check their mail for bills, and any notices about delinquencies, and call (520) 791-3242 by aMarch 15 to set up a payment plan. Tucson Water has had a suspension on disconnections since last March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the news release

Online payments to Tucson Water : 
Get assistance for utility bills (City of Tucson site) 

Get assistance for utility bills (Pima County site)

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