Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Autism syndrome person and Autistic social developmental education disorder puzzle children symbol as a child special learning icon as jigsaw pieces coming together to form a young student head in a 3D illustration.

Speaker Series Experts in Autism Panel

Navigating Autism Services: Connecting the Puzzle Pieces

Tucson, Arizona

The Autism Society of Southern Arizona will be offering their educational Speaker Series program on Saturday, July 27th at Intermountain Academy located on 1100 W. Fresno Street. 

The focus of this presentation is “Navigating Autism Services: Connecting the Puzzle Pieces.”  When a child is diagnosed with autism a family can be overwhelmed with therapy options, programs and services. This discussion will peel back the layers on how to understand service options and help parents and professionals feel confident when addressing their child’s needs.

Community experts include Joshua Anbar (MPH, DrPH Candidate, self-advocate and Autism Society of Southern Arizona Board Member), David Jefferson (Founder of Parent Support Arizona), Erin Matyjasik, (PH.D., NCSP Special Services Director, Nationally Certified School Psychologist Catalina Foothills School District), Jake Carls (Division of Developmental Disabilities, District South Program Manager) and Jared Perkins (M.P.A. CEO of Children’s Clinics and Autism Society of Southern Arizona Board President.)

“The discussion will explore health insurance, school services, programs, autism therapies and many other topics; with the hopes of helping families to determine where to start, and what they should be seeking.” Jared Perkins, CEO of Children’s Clinics.

ASSA’s Speaker Series provides relevant, informative and professional information on topics that have been requested by the community. The next session is “Becoming Empowered in the IEP Process” on Saturday, October 19th.

 Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. According to information published by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) (May 2018), autism now affects 1 in 71 children in Arizona. With no known cure, early detection and intervention are essential to help children with autism and their families get the help they need.  The Autism Society is the leading voice and resource for the entire autism community in education, advocacy, services, and support

Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. and the presentations begins at 9:30 a.m. You can register for this event on our website at or call the Autism Society of Southern Arizona at (520) 770-1541.

To set-up an interview please contact Ray Frieders at (520) 548-6044 or

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