Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Report: Extra unemployment benefits may run out soon

The Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) is warning unemployed state residents that the extra $300 benefits payout may run out soon, without notice, and Gov. Doug Ducey says he won’t ask state lawmakers to step in to keep the benefit going.

Arizona DES Director Michael Wisehart said yesterday, Sept. 2, that he has been assured there is sufficient federal money to pay the extra benefits from the federal Lost Wage Assistance program for this week, the fifth week that has been available.

In a Capitol Media Services report, Wisehart also said he believes there’s enough federal cash for a sixth week, and then the money may dry up without warning. Other states are also drawing against the $44 billion federal allocation.

Without the extra money, those receiving unemployment in Arizona can only receive a maximum of $240 a week, the second-lowest payout in the nation.
From Capitol Media Services via the Arizona Daily Star

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