Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Mayor Romero in her proclamation today, gives the order to the citizens to use Face Masks starting Saturday June 20 at 6AM

Effective Saturday June 20, at 6 a.m., every person in the City of Tucson over the age of two (2) is required to cover their nose and mouth with a face covering when in a public setting where continuous physical distancing is difficult or impossible.

Adults accompanying minor children who are two (2) years of age or older shall use reasonable efforts to have children to wear face coverings when they are in a public setting.

Businesses whose employees interact with the public must require employees to wear face coverings.

This requirement is put in place under Mayor Romero’s June 18, 2020 Proclamation Declaring a Countinuing Emergency.  (Click the link to read the full proclamation).

Who must wear a face covering?

  • Every person over the age of 2 must wear a face covering when outside their home if unable to maintain continuous physical distancing, meaning at least 6 feet of distance from others.
  • Examples include walking on a busy street, going to pharmacies and grocery stores, or going to the doctor.
  • You must wear a face covering at all times when riding public transportation even if you can maintain distance from others.
  • If you live in a facility that has shared kitchens, bathrooms, or other common spaces, wear a face covering when you leave your apartment or room.
  • People who are sick should wear a face covering while at home if they cannot maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others, and at all times whenever they leave home.
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