Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Novavax receives $1.6 Billion for the production of Covid-19 Vaccines

The U.S. Government is betting on Novavax to produce the Covid-19 vaccine. 1.600 million of dollars were granted to begin testing, fabrication, and potential commercialization of the Covid-19 Vaccine. The goal is to have 100 million vaccine doses by January of 2021.

The money comes directly from Operation Warp Speed, an operation put together by the Trump administration. The plan intends to accelerate the production and distribution process of the vaccine.

  • The goal is to have 100 million vaccines by November, 200 million by December, and 300 million by January.
  • Novavax receives the highest dollar figure, even though they did not make the final list made by the New York Times.
  • The money received will cover the cost of Phase 3 Testing, the final human test stage that could launch in October.
  • After the announcement, The Pharmaceutical company went up by 35% in the Stock Market.
  • Donald Trump wants a speedy solution for the health and economic crisis to avoid a bad image avid the November elections.

Beside the Gaithersburg based company, the following companies will also receive funding:

  • Johnson & Johnson. ($465 Million)
  • Moderna ($486 Million)
  • Astrazeneca & Oxford University ($1.2 Billion)
  • Emergent Biosolutions ($628 million)
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