Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Tucson roadrunners to give away face masks

The Tucson Roadrunners hockey team announced yesterday, Sept. 14, that Dusty’s Drive-In will make three stops in Tucson on Wednesday evenings in September. The team will distribute Roadrunners face coverings to fans in a drive-thru format. In addition, fans, if they’re are able, are asked to donate a can of food for everyone in their car who collects a face covering. The collected food items will be donated to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. For convenience and safety, fans will stay in their vehicles throughout the process. All events will be held from 5-6:30 p.m. The first giveaway will be tomorrow, Sept. 16, at El Pueblo Park, 101 W. Irvington Road (enter off Old Nogales Highway). The next will take place Sept. 23 at Lincoln Park (enter at 8100 block of East Escalante Road). The final event will be Sept. 30 at the Tucson Convention Center (in Lot B off Cushing Street). Fans are asked to wear their current face coverings when collecting their new ones and donating their cans of food.

From Tucson Roadrunners:

Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona:


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