Dear readers, time flies, we are just a month and a half before the end of the year, it’s amazing! Sometimes I think life is faster; but it is just that the way that we live has become more accelerated with so many commitments and the running around of every day. We should take things more calmly, and enjoy more the simplicity and the true values of life, as our family and friends, and the time that we spend with them. Especially in this month when we celebrate one of the most important holidays celebrated in the United States “The Thanksgiving Day” or Dia de dar gracias. A Celebration that Latinos, Hispanics or any other immigrant living in the United States, has adapted it and made it part of our traditions. Giving thanks for what we have, what we had achieved, and sharing all our blessings with our loved ones and friends. Also, is the beginning of the most beautiful time of the year, which unfortunately happens to be in many cases, the most stressful one. Let us pause and reflect on it, let’s give the true value and meaning, and make this season the best, we are still on time.
In this month, we will know the results of the winners of the 2016 elections, a sizzling and controversial elections with many changes. Hopefully in this new stage, the winners really work for the benefit of the community, with new positive changes and not the same old promises. That is why the media will continue to inform and asking everyone to exercise their citizenship, and to not waste any more time. The truth is that becoming a US citizen, is more economical than renew the residence. There are many resources that help the Hispanic community to become a US citizen, don’t miss these opportunities!!
On the other hand, in November we are inviting you to a very important event, one is on Saturday November 12th The Pima County Adoption Center, they’ll have pets for adoption. Taking place at PET’S MART DE TUCSON SPECTRUM, beginning at 10AM This event will be free, take your children to adopt a pet. There will be a lot of surprises!
Our annual 5th Festival De Dar Gracias / Thanksgiving Festival on Saturday November 19, from 10 AM-2PM, this will take place in the parking lot of Clínica Medica Familiar in Ajo & 16th, Santa Cruz Plaza. We’ll be giving away turkeys to people over 21 years old, who have families (one per household) as a requirement bringing the last electric bill (October 2016) on the name of the person present. There will be music, entertainment, food and many more surprises!
The Management and staff of Arizona Bilingual, wishes all a happy Thanksgiving in the company of your family, friends and loved ones. Blessings!
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