Best wishes for 2015 to all of you and your families. May it be filled with positive energy, health, new projects and family togetherness.
In the US, 88% of the population makes New Year’s resolutions. However, it is a sad fact, most of us never accomplish them. Almost 250 million people will throw away their resolutions. Unbelievable, right?
Do you want to know why? Imagine this: determination, which is located near the front of your brain, works as a muscle. Consequently, it is impossible to experience an overnight change over a lifetime of habits just because a new year starts. Your New Year resolutions may soon be forgotten. This being said, I do not wish to discourage you, rather the opposite. Any day of the year is excellent for starting the resolutions or goals you want to achieve, but this must be gradually done. For example, if you do not want to eat flour, tortillas or bread, stop doing it slowly because it is impossible to achieve it at once. The same applies to exercise, health, entertainment, etc. Let’s establish realistic goals which we will be able to complete and share with our families, friends and coworkers.
The year 2015 will be a filled with challenges as well as many changes. This is especially true in today’s world. It is difficult to predict global economies. So it is best to be prepared. It is extremely important to always have savings on hand. This culture of consumerism makes us buy things that most of the time are not even necessary. Start a saving account and you will be prepared for emergencies. Last issue we introduced a Finance column by Kim Fernandez. We hope you will make use of her wisdom.
Arizona Bilingual Newspaper has become a stable for over 11 years now. We thank everyone for their invaluable support and contribution over the years. We always strive to provide our readers with the best and most newsworthy articles. Interviews, along with positive and relevant information makes Arizona Bilingual Newspaper one of the most well-read publications around. So, stay tuned. In February edition, we will announce the start of our own new era of expansion. It is one of our New Year’s Resolutions fulfilled!
I want to share with you one more personal thought. As the years pass, the more a person will mature. There will be stages in our lives that are excellent. Some, not so good, filled with lots of ups and downs. But at the end of the day, perhaps these setbacks, good or bad, have made us better human beings. These are the things which sometimes dignify us as humans. It is very important to think about your parents, if you have them. If not, there is always an uncle or aunt, relative or close friend who stands as a parental figure. Try to become closer to them. Meet them at least once a week at least. If they do not live in your locale, then call them on the phone, send them a card or flowers. Make it a point and add special attention to the details of your “constant contact”. When we do something good for someone else, we feel good. These are moments we will always carry in our hearts!
So let’s take this 2015 to the next level, working with enthusiasm, creating new projects or starting something we always wanted to do and never have done. Why not start this year? Don’t wait any longer. Decide. It’s never too late!
To a Happy and Healthy 2015!
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