Our interest with the closing edition for 2015, is to encapsulate all of the year’s highs and lows, struggles, joy and the passing of loved ones as well as the birth of new lives which give us strength to move forward! Let us remember that December is month filled with celebrations, parties and gifts for most of us. For others it can be a time of sadness, depression and loneliness. I believe it is important to demonstrate an act of kindness, to learn, share, and respect one another. A lot of people believe Christmas is a time to celebrate with gifts, on the contrary, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Throughout the years this holly tradition has slowly faded away being replaced by the giving of gifts and holiday parties. In reality have we truly dedicated the time to explain the true meaning of this holiday to our children? Every family and individual decides how to celebrate, it is important, however, to keep in mind that material possessions are temporary, it is the values and traditions our elders taught and shared with us from a young age that matters. So friends let us help those in need and share with those less fortunate, I say this from the bottom of my heart.
This year has been tough in many aspects of the world, life itself is growing more competitive and more complicated. I say it is best to live life as simplest as possible keeping in mind our children whom follow by example the values of life. The life we live is the present but it is still important to embrace and share all the beautiful things life as to offer. This is a month to reflect on all the good and bad things we might have done throughout the year. Although as humans we make mistakes it is never too late to strive to be better, ask for forgiveness, and let go of any resentments especially with those who surround us.
A kind recognition to all who follow us month to month, our clients who trust our work, our collaborators for their great support and lastly to the group, team, and family that we have become to be. Without your support we could not be here, reaching 12 years! My most sincere gratitude to everyone all of those whom form part of the team in Arizona and Sonora.
Warmest of holiday cheer and joy, filled with peace, love and above all else family unity and blessings for you and your loved ones. A prosperous new year with new endeavors these are my best wishes. Welcome the 2016!!
Alma R. Gallardo
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