With all that has been going on in the United States lately, you may have pushed aside your reminders to complete the required U.S. Census, but there’s still time.
Responses help determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and guide how nearly $700 billion in federal funding is spent in communities each year.
It’s estimated up to $3,000 per person, per year is at stake for Arizona. The answers are kept anonymous and are used only to produce statistics. Starting this month, census workers will be knocking on doors of homes from which they’ve received no response.
Census takers will wear masks and follow local public health guidelines when they visit. Follow the links below for more information.
United States Census 2020 https://2020census.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
Watch a video about the census. https://vimeopro.com/cityoftucson/tv/video/397207789
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