Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

The White House brings back Spanish to its website

 After 4 years of absence during Donald Trumps Presidency.

 WASHINGTON.-Shortly after the new president, Joe Biden, took office, the White House launched its new and revamped website this Wednesday, in which it is reported again in Spanish after this language disappeared from the official site during the mandate of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

 Today the White House website offers the same content in English as in Spanish, a language that was officially forgotten just four years ago, when the official website of the New York magnate’s government was inaugurated.

 Although weeks after he took office, on January 20, 2017, the then-adviser to the president, Helen Aguirre Ferré, assured Efe that the website would have a Spanish version because the Trump government understood “the importance and interest” that exists in having information in that language, the months went by without such a measure being specified.

 The previous Administration, that of former President Barack Obama (2009-2017), also had a Spanish version on the website of the presidential residence.

 Spanish is spoken by more than 50 million people in the United States, and its removal from the official White House website was the subject of much criticism at the time from broad Hispanic sectors in the United States, from the Spanish authorities, and from the Academy of Language in Spain.

 Taken from EFE

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