Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Sex Trafficking 

 TPD Human Sex Trafficking (HST) unit up and running. 

Last Tuesday the M&C had a presentation from them during which the data surrounding the issue along with the very positive steps TPD has taken to address it were shared.

So far since the new unit was established 5 youth have been successfully saved from being trafficked.

  We hosted a forum on the Monday ahead of the study session. Channel 4 ran a good piece on what was presented. Here’s their story:

Where does trafficking happen? Lots of it happens online. If your youth are on social media, you should know the sites they’re on. Other prevalent avenues for being trafficked include illicit massage establishments, domestic violence programs, homeless support programs, drug treatment programs, jails, snapchat, tinder, Facebook, X. Wherever you can make contact with a potentially vulnerable person, traffickers are there.

Signs your kid might be involved can include significant drops in grades, new and older friendships, tattoos, becoming distanced, wearing new and expensive clothes or jewelry – seeing signs only takes being engaged with and aware of your kids’ activities. That doesn’t mean becoming overbearing – just aware.  We have material on trafficking here at the ward 6 office. Please feel free to stop by and take some. If your organization has contact with youth and you’d like a presentation also feel free to reach out to us at, or 520.791.4601.

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