Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Scammers can clone voices, how can you protect yourself from scam calls?

With machine learning algorithms becoming mainstream now in the newest artificial intelligence trend, it didn’t take long for people to discover how to use these new features for ill as videos about scammers using people’s voice to trick them into sending money have been circulating online.

While it will become increasingly difficult to differentiate between a machine and your loved one calling when it comes to fraudulent calls, there is an extremely simple tool you can use to set them apart: a secret codeword.

Not only is setting a secret phrase or word that can only be possibly known to members of your family a great way to prevent scam calls like those, but it is a great way in general to prevent all sorts of digital scams, like messages, or emails.

Another good way to protect yourself is by avoiding phone calls from numbers you don’t recognize, and by speaking as little as you can if you need to answer it until you can verify it’s a legitimate call.

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