Children are among the most undercounted in the census, yet they depend on many programs – school lunches, childcare, early education – that are publicly funded based on accurate census data collected every 10 years. Let’s remember to count our children, even newborns.
If you fill out the census for your household, you should count everyone who is living there as of April 1, 2020, including roommates, young children and onsite renters.
It is important to remember to count any children who are living with you. This includes:
• Children, foster children, nieces and nephews, grandchildren and the children of friends.
• Children who split their time between homes, if they are living with you on April 1, 2020.
• Newborn babies, even those who are born on April 1, 2020, or who are still in the hospital on this date.
• Boarding school students below the college level should be counted at the home of their parents or guardians.
Shape your future, as well as your children’s future, by participating in the 2020 Census.
Your participation in the census will make a big difference for the long-term, greater good of needed local programs and services. Census statistics collected in the 2020 census will set the stage over the next decade for the level of public funding that will be made available to our region for these important programs and services.
To ensure an accurate count of the population in our communities and Pima County, respond to the census online, by phone or by mail soon. Everyone counts. Visit or for details.
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