Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

The woman making history

Feminism has always existed, in the broadest sense of the term, whenever women individually or collectively have complained about their unjust and bitter fate under patriarchy and have demanded a different situation, for a better life. This March 8th we celebrate International Women’s Day. Throughout history, brave and determined women have been changing the future of women thanks to their struggles. It has been a journey of different battles with which we have been achieving equal rights and opportunities. Every day, women from all over the world are making history as the current president of Mexico and I say “president” because even in that we have managed to position ourselves today, since before the correct thing would be president regardless of gender, without a doubt Claudia Sheinbaum a leader, passionate woman, who assumed different positions before managing to position herself as the first female president of Mexico, good time for all women who have the opportunity to go as far as we want without having the obstacle of our gender, and our fight goes far beyond equality, but equity for all.

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