By Councilmember Richard Fimbres
I want to express my sincere condolences to the family of Carlos “Adrian” Ingram Lopez.
They lost a Father, Grandson, Brother and Son. They are all in my thoughts and prayers.
I abided by the wishes of the Lopez Family and did not speak publicly about the tragic incident, until the Family had viewed the police video with their attorney. Nor did I wish to have the Family to relive this tragedy again.
They are grieving and Tucson is grieving for Carlos.
We need to continue to work, as one community to ensure that an incident like this never hap-pens again.
We need to continue to work, as one community, to put policies in place, which are followed, so that the Mayor and Council, and the community, are immediately made aware of any tragedy in our City.
We need to continue to work, as one community, to ensure our agencies reflect the population and values of the community they serve.
As I have said before, our City does not scapegoat, point fingers or place blame. We roll up our sleeves together and work to solve the challenges we face.
Our prayers are for the Lopez Family and our City.
Be safe and stay healthy.
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