Jose Luis Baca

Was part of the first generation of Ballet Folklorico Tapatio formed in 1997 and is still a part of the master dance level.
In 2007 he was appointed as the new director of Award winning Ballet Folklorico Tapatio by Maestro Sergio Valle Vasquez and he takes pride as his successor. Jose Luis acts as a mentor to many of the Tapatio dancers to help them feel welcome and part of the Tapatio Family.
He dedicates much of his heart and time into Ballet Folklorico Tapatio and has been the coordinator of many performances and shows Tapatio has hosted. He has led the group to two first 1st place titles in competitions against groups from the U.S. as well as Mexico. He has also had the privilege to be the folklorico director and main instructor at the Rosarito Folklorico Festival in Rosarito, Baja California Mexico for 6 years.
Jose Luis has also been the director of Folklorico programs at Sunnyside High School in south Tucson now for 15 years. Since his time there he has implemented Folklorico as part of the curriculum at Sunnyside High School where students can receive a Fine arts or P.E. Credit for graduation requirements. He has also been the director for the Annual Noche de las Estrellas Mariachi and Folklorico Festival for the past fourteen years at Sunnyside High School. The Noche de las Estrellas at Sunnyside is a program that focuses on raising funds for scholarships to send students to continue their education at a College or University of their choice.
Jose Luis has also had the opportunity to teach folklorico workshops at the Tucson International Mariachi Conference for 16 years as well working with the top Folklorico instructor Rafael Zamarippa form the University of Colima. Other conferences where Jose Luis has had the opportunity to teach are the Las Vegas Clarke County School District Mariachi and Folklorico Festival where he took on the role of main instructor, choreographer and director of folklorico. Today as Director of Ballet Folklorico Tapatio Jose Luis continues to grow as a teacher and mentor and continues to expand Ballet Folklorico Tapatios repertoire by collaborating with some of the top instructors from Mexico. He is always looking for new regions of Mexico and dances and hopes to continue to grow the repertoire of Ballet Folklorico Tapatios dances so that the students can continue gaining the appreciation of the Mexican culture and traditions through dance and focus on being positive role models for the Community of Tucson. He is an instructor that makes a lasting impression on every single dancer that he has had the opportunity to teach, and he also gains more from his students every single day. Jose Luis is married with Jimena Arely Duarte and they have two beautiful children Luis Santiago Baca -8 years and Leonardo Ariel Baca – 3 years.
Juan Ciscomani

Juan creció en Tucson, se graduó de Rincon High School, Pima Community College y University of Arizona. Su amor por la patria y el patriotismo nacieron de su crianza en una familia de clase trabajadora.
Los padres de Juan le inculcaron a ser una persona ética de trabajo y una actitud positiva, los mismos valores que Juan está inculcando a sus hijos. Después de la universidad, Juan trabajó en la Universidad de Arizona y luego en la Cámara de Comercio Hispana. Se unió a la Administración Ducey como Asesor Principal responsable de la Oficina del Sur de Arizona, la Oficina de Arizona en Sonora y la Comisión Arizona-México.
Hoy, Juan es candidato al Congreso de los Estados Unidos. Ante todo, prioriza la fe y la familia. Lo que más disfruta es ir a la iglesia, entrenar a los equipos de fútbol de sus hijos, asistir a los bailes de papá e hija y pasar tiempo de calidad con su familia.
Dr. Eric Cornidez

El Dr. Eric Cornidez es nativo de Tucson y propietario médico del Instituto del dolor del sur de Arizona. Está involucrado en servir a la comunidad en diferentes mesas directivas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Aunque Eric tiene muchos roles, el más satisfactorio y gratificante es ser padre de sus cuatro hijos: Maddie (9), Eric (8), Camila (6) y David (4). El doctor Cornidez, esta casado con su bella esposa Ariana Cornidez.
Como papá, siempre está presente y es muy divertido. Nunca se pierde un evento, como un recital de baile, un partido de baloncesto o una obra escolar. Eric reconoce los dones únicos de cada uno de sus hijos y se conecta con cada uno individualmente. Ya sea que se trate de citas para cenar uno a uno, bailes de papá e hija o dar un paseo en el vehículo todo terreno, siempre encuentra la manera de crear recuerdos duraderos.
Es un hombre íntegro, honesto, bondadoso y lo más importante, es un hombre de Cristo. Estos son los valores por los que no solo vive, sino que inculca a sus hijos. Con todas las muchas cosas en las que Eric está involucrado, equilibra todo dependiendo de la oración y confiando en la gracia de Dios.
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