By Chris Lee Ussery & Madison Egan
University of Arizona students in Nutritional Sciences
&Assistant Professor Melanie Hingle, PhD, MPH, RD.
Type 2 diabetes is a growing concern in the U.S., especially in children. Between 2001 and 2009, the number of children 10-19 years old diagnosed with diabetes increased by more than 30%. A few decades ago, very few children had type 2 diabetes, and doctors believed they were at low risk. However, an increase in risk factors such as obesity and a sedentary lifestyle means more children are at risk of developing the disease. While some risk factors such as family history and ethnic background are not under your control, you can greatly reduce your child’s risk through healthy habits such as eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, sleeping well, and maintaining a healthy body weight.
The Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Arizona is partnering with the YMCA of Southern Arizona to conduct a family-focused diabetes prevention program designed to reduce diabetes risk factors in 9-12 year old children and their families. This program is called Encourage, Practice, and Inspire Change in Kids (or “E.P.I.C. Kids”). Eligible families will participate in a 12-week program led by lifestyle coaches at the YMCA with the goal of establishing healthy habits for a lifetime. This program will begin in September 2015 (and a second program will start in January 2016) at Kino/Mulcahy and Ott Family Southern Arizona YMCA locations. Participants will be provided YMCA access, many helpful resources, easy and fun recipes, a variety of physical activity ideas, and monetary compensation.
If you are interested in participating in the EPIC Kids program or know someone who is, enrollment is open! Visit our website at or call 520-621-1014 to learn more and determine if your child and family is eligible.
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