The Month of September, a symbol for Mexicans!
Dear friends, this month of September, is one of the most representative months for all Mexicans, since, throughout the Aztec country, there are endless celebrations within the framework of the 211 years of the Independence of Mexico. In the United States, it is no exception, since this feeling becomes more powerful when you are outside your homeland. I wish all Mexicans a month full of energy, country love, but most of all a feeling of being proud of their roots, culture and traditions, and Viva México!
In this 2021, after a very difficult year with the pandemic, we continue with more variants of it and with a divided country into whether people will get vaccinated or not and many other controversial situations. Despite all of that, fall celebrations begin with many events in the Tucson area and Pima County. Starting at the historic Fox Theater, where the Consulate of Mexico in Tucson, invites the entire community to enjoy Tucson Symphony Orchestra (TSO). This free event is on September 15th at 7:00 p.m. at the Fox Theater. Please order your tickets at the Mexican Consulate in Tucson. In addition, there will be other celebrations, one at the Museo del Presido on Sunday, September 12th from 9am-12pm; another one at AVA Casino del Sol, on Sunday, September 19th starting at 3pm. There will be more activities celebrating the Independence of Mexico, be aware of all the announcements on our social media. Most of the events are free!
I invite you to be part of this September edition, where you can find very important information about our collaborators, as well as community events taking place this month and through the rest of the year. Remember we will be part of the Mexican Baseball Fiesta, as well as other events in October, November and December. We are already in the preparations for Reconnect with Tucson Meet Yourself. A Special Health Fair in October; the tenth anniversary of the Thanksgiving Festival on November 20th; the Tamal Festival, at AVA Casino del Sol on December 6th and others, which we will be informing you daily on our social media and next editions.
I sincerely ask each and every one of you to continue to take care of ourselves, as the Delta variant keeps the numbers incredibly growing across the nation and, Pima County is no exception. The number of infected people has risen to 3,000 cases a day and unfortunately, most are from unvaccinated people and some of them have died. We must get vaccinated and take care of our children under 12 years old who do not have the opportunity to get vaccine yet. Let’s take care of them and continue to use the mask in closed places and mainly in schools.
Follow us daily on our social media where we share lots of information. Thank you, hugs!
Your community friend, / Su amiga de la comunidad,
Alma R. Gallardo /
Arizona Bilingual Newspaper | Editor en Jefe | Chief Editor
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