An ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Number) is issued to an individual by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) for tax purposes only. An ITIN is not valid for identification outside of the tax system. It does not grant the right to work in the U.S., change immigration status, and does not qualify the applicant for Earned Income Tax Credit (
A SSN is issued by the SSA (Social Security Administration) and used for tax purposes and employment purposes.
An EIN (Employer Identification Number) is issued by the IRS to businesses. An EIN is for use with your business activities (tax filing and reporting purposes).
AZ Legal Choice LLC is an entity which, pursuant to a written Agreement with the Internal Revenue Service, is authorized to assist alien individuals and other foreign persons who are ineligible or unable to receive a Social Security Number, in obtaining ITINs from the IRS.
AZ Legal Choice is certified and licensed by the Supreme Court of the State of Arizona to provide document preparation assistance and services to individuals and entities not represented by an attorney. We may provide general legal information but may not give legal advice.
As an Arizona Certified Business, AZ Legal Choice can help you fill out, under your instruction, immigration and business forms, from one page applications to more complex legal forms.
AZ Legal Choice also helps you identify the licenses and permits required to open your business. Calls us at 520-360-2983 or contact us via email at to discuss your specific needs and how we can assist you in the start-up and operation of your business in the State of Arizona.
Armando Sotelo-Ruiz, Mexican-American Citizen, President and CEO of AZ Legal Choice, LLC. He has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration in the United States and holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering. Armando Sotelo-Ruiz represents top Arizonan businesses in Mexico and U.S.
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