Storms, wildfires, floods, and power outages are all urgent situations where staying informed is necessary to prevent a catastrophe from...
88CRIME is a program under the Pima County Attorney’s Office with the goal of aiding law enforcement agencies in their...
Around 795,000 people die every year or are permanently incapacitated because of incorrect medical diagnoses in public hospitals in the...
Former President Donald Trump finds himself in increasingly hot water over in the case of the mishandling of secret documents...
The Teamsters workers' union reached a preliminary agreement with the company UPS, thus avoiding a strike that could have resulted...
A lawsuit against the federal government over the construction of the border wall will result in openings being added in...
On Monday, July 24 - Friday, July 28, Several Tucson Unified middle school girls will be attending and experiencing the...
In 2022, 16.5% of high school students and 4.5% of middle schoolers reported currently using tobacco products, as per the...
The public libraries of Pima County now offer blood pressure test kits available for checkout at each of their branches....
President Joe Biden’s plan to forgive tens of thousands of dollars of student loan borrowers was halted this past June...