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Tips to achieve your New Year’s resolutions

With the new year approaching, it’s time to set goals, get inspired, and create a new health and wellness routine. Making a great New Year’s resolution and sticking to it can cause significant change in your life.

Unfortunately, many set themselves up to fail in the process because they don’t come up with a good plan. The most common mistakes people make are a combination of the following: 1. Your goals are extreme and lead to an unsustainable plan. 2. They set a huge purpose without planning to create the new behaviors they will need to carry it out. 3. They act because someone scolds them, or they feel they must make a resolution, but they really don’t want to.

  • Think small

We often try to achieve great purposes in the hope that a great goal will force us to change our path. Consider the opposite and experience the thrill when you achieve small steps. You’ll also find that small steps add up to big gains. Add one small habit each month and see how much change can occur in a year. For example: Eat a piece of fruit as a snack. Take three deep breaths when you feel stressed. Walk around the block at work every day. Set aside 30 seconds to floss. Do five squats or five pushups in the morning. Drink a glass of water when you wake up.

  • Adopt a gradual and supportive model

Making lifestyle changes can take time. Don’t expect miracles overnight. Try to replace one unhealthy behavior at a time. Talking about your resolutions and finding support can help you reach your goals. Try forming a group or taking a class with others whose goals are common to yours. Having support and being able to talk about your struggles will make sticking to your resolutions less overwhelming.

  • Give yourself a break and I can help

No matter how hard people try, no one achieves perfection. Don’t give up on your resolutions if you make a mistake or have a setback. You must recover from your detour and continue the route. If you feel you need help reaching your goal, seek the support of a health professional. Psychologists are trained to understand the connection between the mind and the body. They can help you find strategies that will make your goals more attainable and deal with challenges, including unhealthy behaviors, stress, and emotional problems.

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