Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

New Year: Origin, definition, and traditions

The New Year is the festivity of the West in which the beginning of the year is celebrated, be it with family, friends, or in the main squares of important metropolises in the world.

The celebration dates to 1582 when Pope Gregory XIII created the Gregorian Calendar, where January 1 was determined as the beginning of the year. From that moment it began to celebrate on that date. People see this date as a new beginning and that is why they usually make a list of resolutions to make it better than the year that is about to end.

In Mexico, it is customary to eat 12 grapes and make a wish for each month of the year, a tradition that originates in Spain. In addition, there are rituals such as leaving and entering the house with a suitcase, since it is believed that this will bring luck to have a year of travel.

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