Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Government of Sonora calls for 2023 Rio Sonora Marathon

HERMOSILLO, Sonora – This upcoming April 15 and 16, the Rio Sonora 21K Trail, a race that brings athletes not only from the state of Sonora but also Kenya, Germany, Guatemala, and the United States, will take place as announced by the government of Sonora through the Secretariat of Tourism (Sectur).

During State Governor Alfonso Durazo Montaño’s press conference, the Sectur official, Célida López Cárdenas, informed that in this fourth edition of the competition there will be around a thousand participants aspiring to be the winners of a pool worth one million pesos (MXN, about $55,000 USD) in prizes split among 214 winners from different categories.

The municipalities involved directly in this are Baviácora, Aconchi, San Felipe de Jesús, Huépac, and Banámichi.

The departures will be distributed as follows: 21K, Banámichi to San Felipe de Jesús; 10K, Aconchi to a little ranch in Huépac; and 5K from Aconchi to San Felipe de Jesús.

The Rio Sonora Marathon is an event that seeks to become one of the most important ones in northeastern Mexico and seeks to conquest the runner community in the south of the United States. In this second edition, with support from state administration, and thanks to its touristic impact, the event counts with a great flow of participants nationally and internationally who have registered and will join for the competition.

Registration (Spanish):

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