Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds


In this last draft of 2022, I want to reflect, and invite all of you to think that it is time to work on our internal fears, to improve ourselves, to continue studying in different ways, to integrate ourselves into everything that happens in our communities, to Being part of volunteering, participating in events, politics, business areas, supporting local businesses, they are the strength of a thriving community, we must support them continuously. Also, do not forget the support and love for the family, they are the ones that make us better people and help us daily in different ways. Daily life can be difficult, always in a hurry; sometimes we don’t have the time; or we don’t make space in our lives to support so many things and projects happening.  I invite you to make some space in our lives and support so many areas that need help and attention.

On the other hand, I want to share with you, that this 2023,  Arizona Bilingual celebrates its 20th anniversary, of which we are extremely proud of the work we have been doing in our communities of Tucson, Southern Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico. We have worked hard to achieve a strong, vibrant and bilingual publication that is accessible to all of our communities. We are a bilingual, bicultural and binational publication, very proud of what we have achieved. A special thanks to all our clients, readers, and collaborators for making these possible, our endless appreciation!

That is why, this 2023, we will have our traditional annual events, as well as new and special projects, that all will enjoy. I hope you will join us and be part of these 20 years of work, effort, success and growth.

Lastly, I would like to express; I hope this new year brings health, joy, peace, love, new projects, but above all that we improve ourselves personally, it is not difficult, you simply have to propose it and carry it out, Blessings to all!!

Happy New Year 2023!

Sincerley, your friend / Su atenta y segura servidora 

Alma R. Gallardo / 

Arizona Bilingual Newspaper | Editor en Jefe | Chief Editor

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