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Avoid heat related illnesses with these 5 tips

By: Banner Health

When you are outdoors in the summer, you may experience a multitude of different symptoms from exposure to excessive heat. Examples include heat exhaustion, cramps, severe headaches, and sometimes heat stroke. What exactly is the difference between all of these heat related illnesses?

Heat stroke occurs when the body loses a lot of fluid and sodium through sweat. It is often experienced when exercising outdoors during the summer months.

Heat cramps are very similar to heat strokes, but they occur when there is an excessive loss of potassium, among other minerals.

Heat stroke occurs when the body has been exposed to heat for a long period of time and has completely lost its ability to cool itself. It is a dangerous condition and must be treated immediately.

Any of these conditions can cause debilitating headaches, so be aware of this as well.

Here are five tips that can help you avoid heat-related illnesses:

1. Make sure you stay hydrated when playing sports outdoors or while working in the garden. Drinking plenty of water and sports drinks can help replenish sodium and potassium. You should stop drinking coffee, tea and soft drinks, as they contain caffeine and can dehydrate you.

2. Plan intense outdoor activities for less hot times of the day. Warm up properly before exercising and relax afterward. When exercising in hot weather, be sure to get enough rest in a shady area.

3. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend outdoors to get used to the heat. On days of true heat and humidity, try to spend as much time as possible indoors.

4. Try to wear light-colored, lightweight, closed-knit clothing. If you play sports in heat, there are numerous runner and cyclist garments designed to wick moisture away from your skin to help cool your body.

5. Stay protected from the sun by wearing hats and sunglasses whenever you can. Also, don’t forget sunscreen.

If you start to feel bad while out in the sun, don’t ignore it. Be aware of how you feel and when to take action.

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