Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Mayor Romero Displays “Black Lives Matter”

Message from 10th Floor at City Hall to Commemorate Juneteenth 

In commemoration of Juneteenth, this morning Mayor Romero unveiled a “Black Lives Matter” message from the 10th floor at City Hall, where the Mayor’s Office is located. The banner is visible from the west side of City Hall facing Interstate 10 and Sentinel Peak. 

“Tucson stands in solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters across the country in fighting the systemic racism that pervades our society at all levels,” said Mayor Romero. “We are here to support, listen, and learn from the Black Lives Matter movement and our community so that we can better effect change and work for meaningful reform that closes racial, economic and social inequities.”

“Now, all Tucsonans as well as visitors driving along Interstate 10 will see loud and clear where Tucson stands in this historic moment. My thanks to the Gloo Factory, SKYTEK Building Services, and City of Tucson Facilities and Communications Maintenance for making this happen.”

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