Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

What Procrastination means

Procrastinating is deliberately postponing important pending tasks, despite having the opportunity to carry them out. Procrastinators are aware of the consequences of postponing and although it is not a disorder, it is not about being lazy or poor time management, but rather the temptation of immediate gratification and how we manage the emotions associated with pending tasks, this due to the level of stress, anxiety, fear of failure and low self-esteem at work. Procrastinators have weaker brain connections in areas related to motivation and emotions; which hinders the ability to resist distractions and negative emotions associated with pending tasks, with effective strategies and adequate support, you can overcome this habit and be more productive.

  • Don’t get overwhelmed with the entire task, divide the work into small goals.
  • Share your plans with others, this creates a commitment that motivates you to complete the task.
  • Think about the long-term detrimental effects of putting off a task.
  • Imagine the satisfaction you will feel when completing a task and the peace you will experience.
  • Start the task, even if you only have a few minutes, the brain tends to remember incomplete tasks, which will motivate you to continue.

You are capable of fighting this battle!

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