Orquesta de Instrumentos Reciclados de Cateura
The “Landfill Harmonic”
(Landfill harmonic – La armonía del vertedero – Orquesta de Instrumentos Reciclados de Cateura)
An orchestra for kids with instruments made from trash?
A cello made from an oil can and pieces of wood, that were thrown in the garbage; a saxophone made of spoons and buttons. These instruments are crafted by Nicolas, a ‘recycler’ with no previous experience making musical instruments, who is living ‘hand-to-mouth’ by the garbage dump in Catuera, Paraguay. Inspired by this initiative and creativity, Maestro Luis Szaran, director of “Sounds of the Earth,” formed the ‘recycled orchestra,’ with children living near the dump. “Our main goal isn’t to form good musicians, but to form good citizens.” Now 30 members strong, (and looking for more, for a full orchestra) listen to the sweet sounds of these ‘recycled’ instruments and the hopes and dreams of the children who play them. … Be Amazed and Inspired!
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJxxdQox7n0″ width=”500″ height=”300″]
The “Creative Visions Foundation” inspires and supports creative activists — individuals who use media and the arts to raise awareness of critical issues around the globe and ignite positive change. CVF provides tools, mentorship, resources and an linked community to help our activists harness the power of media, arts and technology to solve global problems in the areas of: human rights, environment, youth & education, woman empowerment, and global consciousness. For More Information, (or To Make a Donation) Please Visit:http://www.creativevisions.org
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