Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Editor´s Letter

We officially welcome the heat in our region, as always June surprises us with high temperatures, school holidays and the opportunity to plan a trip. There are many options for families, such as the so-called “staycation” where you can spend a few very pleasant days without needing so much budget. For example, being able to spend a few days in a hotel, resort or Airbnb in Tucson, or in Pima County, create an itinerary with the family, visit the different local options, such as museums, zoos, recreation areas, entertainment, hiking; in addition to the incredible restaurants and food areas offered throughout our region. The important thing is to plan a not-so-expensive vacation and enjoy that time with your family. Enjoy the summer and don’t forget to wear yellow this June 20, celebrating Yellow Day, the happiest day of the year!

We call on you to be alert with your children in swimming pools and inside cars, the summer has almost always ended with tragedies in Arizona due to the deaths of children from drowning or death from suffocation inside vehicles, we pray because no family has to go through this terrible pain.

Also, in this month of June, Father’s Day is celebrated, celebrated on the third Sunday in June, on this occasion, it will be Sunday, June 16, both in the United States and in Mexico. This holiday originated in the United States in the early 20th century to complement Mother’s Day and celebrate parenthood. The idea of ​​celebrating Parents’ Day arose in 1910, led by Louise Smart Dood, an American woman who was trying to achieve recognition of the role of parents in society. It was not until 1972 that the third Sunday of the month of June was made official to pay tribute to parents. So, let’s celebrate together this day where we show Dad how important he is in our lives. Let’s celebrate DAD together with love and joy!

We also send a Happy Juneteenth Day to everyone in our community this coming June 19, the annual commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States!

We anticipate that, next July, we will be holding the 13th annual Kidz Expo & Back to School festival, an event where different clients and organizations come together to provide lots of entertainment, very fun activities, valuable resources, free information and great joy for all those present. The event is completely free, for all school-age children and their parents, we will be giving away up to 2,000 backpacks, school supplies and many gifts for back to school. The appointment is Thursday, July 25 at the Tucson Convention Center, from 4pm – 8pm.  We have air conditioning and free parking. Be part of this wonderful event, save the date! If you want your business, product or services to be present, contact (520) 305-4110 or sales email to receive more information about sponsorships, donations and registration tables.

On the cover, I invite you to meet a group of parents with their children, all of them an important part of the social and work life in our community.

Finally, don’t forget that we are daily on all social platforms such as FB, Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp, YouTube, as well as in our online edition on our website Follow us and be part of the Arizona Bilingual family. News.

Blessings to all, thank you for these 20 years of collaboration!

Blessings to all, thank you for these 20 years of collaboration!


Alma Gallardo.

Editora en jefe

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