Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Summer alert!


Summer is coming, bringing us so much happiness, and we hope it doesn’t end with a tragedy that should never happen.

Summer is hot in every sense of the word and we all want to cool off, but little ones are vulnerable in a pool when they do not have adult supervision.

Be cautious about safety regulations so that no child has to die under these circumstances. It is important that home pools meet safety standards, since it is easy for a parent to be absorbed in their work and without realizing it, a child ends up in the pool alone.

Learn to live in the moment, due to the many responsibilities we carry, we can become careless and forget a baby who fell asleep in the car. Death by suffocation inside a car in the immense summer heat in Arizona exceeds 138 degrees, higher than the highest outdoor temperature ever recorded on Earth.

People who have experienced this tragedy need help to overcome the pain and guilt of not understanding how this could have happened to them. A distraction like this is not for lack of love. At Arizona Bilingual News we feel the immense pain experienced by this tragedy and we ask for no more tragedies like these.

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