Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Keys to combat monotony and boredom

The feeling of being trapped in a routine and seeing yourself involved in practically automated tasks can create prolonged monotony and lead to depressive disorders, which is why it is important to learn to recognize when routine begins to become a problem. If our social, work or personal environments no longer produce any emotion or do not allow us to experience new sensations, this constant repetition and lack of alternatives or novelties can cause a marked feeling of boredom because we seem to be locked in a wheel.

Although we need to develop a routine that provides us with stability and security, it is also very important to be flexible and have the ability to modify and alternate different aspects that make us experience emotions and sensations that take us out of monotony, without having resistance to change from time to time. from time to time, such as introducing different actions, try to figure out what you would like to change and gradually move away from everything that makes it unpleasant. If you consider a revolution suddenly, frustration may appear very soon, change small things at a time, if we work, eat and have our leisure time in different places, it will help you break that feeling and, above all, disconnect from the monotony. Modify your environment, introduce new elements, redecorate, add living elements such as plants, change the furniture… No matter how small it may seem, any change contributes.

Remember that it is important to pay attention to our body, healthy eating habits and a sleep routine that allows us to rest properly. Sports and physical activity will also help you lower stress levels and increase the secretion of endorphins.

Also, ask yourself what hobby has always stimulated your curiosity, but you’ve never taken the plunge, because the time is now!

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