Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

International Day of Action for Women’s Health

Women and girls everywhere must have the right to enjoy optimal health. However, in many countries this does not happen due to economic and sociocultural factors. You can see the serious health problems that millions of women suffer in different countries, due to poverty, violence, wars, discrimination and social exclusion, whether due to religion, race or sexual preference.

Regardless of who they are and their conditions, all women make decisions regarding their sexuality, their reproductive health and their well-being in general. Why would someone else have to decide what matters and what doesn’t matter instead of the woman herself?

It is essential to raise awareness among governments to change once and for all the quality of life of women in the world, protecting their integrity as a universal right and giving them access to reproductive, sexual and physical healthso that they have a dignified life and full development.

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