Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

An indoor plant that purifies the air!


Sansevieria (Dracaena) trifasciata, better known as mother-in-law’s tongue, tiger’s tongue, cow’s tongue, cat’s tongue, tiger’s tail and St. George’s sword. In addition to being beautiful and resistant, it is a plant that purifies the air. Recommended by NASA (United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to eliminate toxic substances such as benzene, toluene, xylene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde from the air we breathe. And add to this that it is very resistant to pests; Even mites have a hard time with it. For all these reasons, it is in the top ten of those that cannot be missing in your home if you are a beginner.

The ideal is to place it in places with lots of light, it is slow growing. In summer it can withstand temperatures of 30º and in winter up to -5°C. Do not water it excessively, only when the soil is dry. In winter, it only needs water once or twice a month. Its transplant should be when spring begins and you can add fertilizer at the beginning of summer. Do not prune it, just remove the dry leaves, this tropical plant does not usually bloom indoors, but if it does, small flowers will appear in late summer.

If you have dogs and cats, take care of them, this plant contains toxic saponins, causing gastrointestinal discomfort when ingested.

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