Dear women, I recognize all of you as remarkable and professional women, mothers, daughters, sisters, and leaders in your communities. I thank you all for your contributions and opinions regarding your careers on this important date of International Women’s Day. This day marks the importance of women in in modern day society and teaches us that we must continue fighting for gender equality for new generations to come.
Happy International Women’s Day!
Sam Rowe
Territory Development Rep / Amerigroup
I think this special day means empowerment for all women around the world. It is a day that all women should be proud as a mom, a sister, a wife, a business woman making a difference and paving the way for her children and leading by example.
Marisol Vindiola
Directora de Iniciativas con México | Visit Tucson
It’s very pleasant it is to be able to be part of the celebration of the invaluable impact that women make in society and it makes me even happier that we have designated a special day, International Women’s Day, it is a well-deserved celebration of women who He is a leader by nature.
Women fulfill important and diverse roles in all areas and senses, from being a mother, a housewife, caregiver, educator, head of the household, administrator of household finances, professional and worker to be a role model. To be a role model for the children or simply be a woman with all the challenges that this implies.
On this memorable day, I celebrate women, all … especially us single mothers for all the work, effort and sacrifices we make to make our children happy women and / or men and that they can be good human beings for society.
I invite each and every one of the women who read this article to put their fears aside, to draw the strength of a leader that they have within themselves and be the protagonists of her own story. Happy Women’s Day!
Shelley Kais
Owner | Kais E Systems, Inc.
I first learned of International Women’s Day (IWD) 20 years ago while working in Germany. Friedrich, my client, congratulated me as an “accomplished” business owner—I had never heard of IWD. As I have since learned that the first IWD was held in Germany on March 19, 1911 it means even more to me to have learned about IWD while working in Germany. In 2019, 57.4% of women participated in the work force representing 47% of the total workforce. As we continue to recognize the importance of their contributions, lessons from their leadership and value in our communities, we will build collaborative work environments and empower women to stretch their goals to achieve whatever they dream.
I celebrate all my sisters in business, education, and politics all over the world as we stretch together to make the world a better place for those women who follow in our footsteps.
Ana Cornide
Associate Professor & Director of Critical Service Learning and Community Outreach Program, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Arizona.
In this historical moment, with movements such as #QueSeaLey, # HermanaYoSíTeCreo and #MeToo, it is important to forge links between diverse communities, to protect and challenge each other, preventing these movements from becoming essentialist. To do this, we must think of oppression and racism in connection with sexism, silence and sexist violence.
In 1931, María Lejárraga, a future socialist congressperson in the Second Spanish Republic, gave talks at the Ateneo de Madrid to women suspicious of women’s suffrage and a political system that would allow women to choose what they wanted to be: mothers, university students or entrepreneurs. Movements such as #MeToo also show how to think differently about public prestige, where there are not only powerful women but power is collective and citizenship with full rights is a guarantee for all women, because until we are all free, none of us will be. The transformation is daily and we write the story together.
Isabel Georgelos
Interim President/CEO. / Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
The celebration of International Women’s Day begins with gratitude for the women I admire and who have come before me. Throughout my life, I have been blessed by the women who come in and out of my life. Starting with my grandmother Isabel, my mother Algeria, and my sister RJ, all warrior women who conquered and reached the top. They showed that everything is possible with love and loyalty. This year, more than any other, we must recognize the courage and impact that women have in overcoming this global pandemic. Women have been the hardest hit by job loss and the need to care for others at this difficult time. We must move on and support each other because when we grow, everything around us grows. That is what women do, they cultivate when given the opportunity.
Celebrate all women, young or old, at home or at work, every day!
Janneth Cardenas
Mother of 5 | Owner of Bravo Services. /. Certified Bookkeeper | Tax Preparer & ERO. /. Certified Legal Document Preparer
International Women’s Day is a great day to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions that women make in our society and around the world. It wasn’t too long ago that our social, economic, and educational value was determined by men and the restrictions placed on us. It is definitely worthy of celebrating that millions of women today not only care for their loved ones but also hold important positions in government and the public sector. As a woman entrepreneur, who built my company from the ground up, I cannot imagine living in the times when my dreams and aspirations would be limited or I would earn less money than a man simply because of my gender. I am so grateful that I get to own my own business, serve my community, be a mother, a sister, a friend, and a woman of morals without the limitations that existed before. May we always remember the hard work of so many to make this progress possible. ! Happy International Women’s Day!
Magdalena Verdugo
CEO, YWCA Southern Arizona.
Mission: Eliminating racism and empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
As we celebrate International Women’s Day (observance on March 8), let us reflect on the progress that has been made, giving ourselves the opportunity to celebrate our courageous and extraordinary contributions, and accept the realization that we are just getting started. We will continue to elevate our voices until we secure political, economic, social, gender and cultural equity. This is a day that we celebrate us! Women who day in and day out strive to empower our families and communities and are making an impact. This past year has severely tested our resiliency and fortitude in ways we never expected yet we courageously stepped up and met the challenge.
Let us courageously meet the future! Because we were made for this!!
Karla Bernal Director, Office of Multicultural Advancement
THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA. /. Chairwoman | Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
The theme for 2021 is #Choosetochallenge, it highlights the importance of challenging biases and misconceptions to create a more inclusive gender equal world.
On this day I am inspired by all of the women that challenge the status quo. I learned this from my mother who is the perfect example of dedication, commitment, and perseverance, my sister who is fearless and unapologetically determined, my daughter who is a perfect blend of my mother, her godmother, her grandmother, her sisters, and the educators that have inspired her to be self-assured, independent, unconditionally inclusive, and kind. This day gives me confidence that my daughter is growing up in a world which will consider everyone for their character and capabilities without falling for the stereotypes we used to fall victim to when we were kids.
This day is important to me because it reminds me of the men in my family that have been fundamental to my success and have been by my side with each challenge. My father, my brother, my sons, and my husband have all challenged me to do more, expect more, to believe more, and have stood by my side to know that I am not alone.
Lorena Verdugo
Coordinadora de Ventanilla de Salud. /. Consulado de México en Tucson. /. 520.370.3686 |
For me this day is a reminder of how capable we women are and the importance of supporting each other. We currently live in a society which dictates that women need a “prince” to make us feel happy and fulfilled. When in fact we have verified that we are masters of our own destiny and success, whether in the role as a housewife, professional or in the undertaking of our own business. Woman you who are the pillar of many and the strength of many, I wish you today and always success, peahealth, and much love.
~ Your friend Lorena Verdugo
Lupita Robles
Council Aide. /. Council Member Richard Fimbres. /. Ward 5 Council Office
International Women’s Day is a day to reflect on the changing female role in society and our important social, economic, and political achievements. It is a day to give thanks to the women who have taught us, led us, and influenced us to live to our fullest potential. On March 8th, I’d like to suggest we all take a moment to celebrate our sisterhood, our pioneers, and our accomplishments. We are united in a circle of support for women and girls all over the world – for our safety and success. The women I am surrounded by daily inspire me to be a stronger and better person and to create a better world for our future generations. Women’s Day is, in part, about giving a voice and hope to all women and girls. It is also about learning from survivors and the countless heroes who courageously lead in the face of resistance and hostility. March 8, 2021 is our day to celebrate our many accomplishments!
Happy International Women’s Day!
Janeth Domínguez
Innovation Tax Services – Propietaria /. Contabilidad y Preparación de Impuestos
ate International Women’s Day together reminds us of the fundamental value that we bring to society, as professionals and mothers. The influence of Latina women in our economy in the business sector is growing rapidly across the country.
I am extremely proud of all that we have accomplished in recent decades. We are in government positions, the industrial sector and even in the supreme court of justice.
I feel very full as a woman, I am a mother and a grandmother, I think that we are the fundamental basis of our family, strong homes with values become solid communities that form the next generation of leaders.
Jessica Savare
Director of Loyalty Marketing, Casino Del Sol
Woman’s day is such a great reminder to support and be proud of the amazing women that surround you. Its easy for us to get caught up in living our lives by putting our head down and pushing forward but it feels really great to slow down and appreciate the accomplishments of those you know and love. If I can help influence one person to be a better version of themselves then I have done my job as a leader in my community. When we highlight the struggles other women have overcome it reminds us all that we are not alone, that we are strong and that we can do anything we want.
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