Arizona Bilingual News

The Best Of Two Worlds

Red Global MX

El pasado viernes 25 d septiembre a las 1800 en Consulado (Broadway/Alvernon): Red Global MX – Capítulo Tucson, fue oficialmente lanzado el Capítulo Tucson de la Red Global MX. Para este importante acontecimiento conto con la presencia del Lic. Francisco de la Torre Galindo, Director Ejecutivo del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior.
On September he 25th at the Mexican Consulate offices located on Broadway/Alvernon. Humberto Stevens of J. Nelson Company and a group of business man participated in establishing the founding board of the 43rd international Red Global MX (Global Network of Mexican Professionals Abroad) to increase international business in Arizona.  Many local peers will participate.  Consul Ricardo Pineda Albarrán and the Dir.of the Instit. for Mex. Abroad (IME) represented the Mex. Sec. of Foreign Relations, the Hon. Claudia Ruiz Massieu
Humberto N. Stevens
Managing Partner/Socio Gerente
J. Nelson Company, Office +1.5209997898

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